Ruth Pointer

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Ruth Pointer (2006)

Ruth Ester Pointer (born March 19, 1946 in Oakland ) is an American singer .


Ruth is the oldest of four sisters in the American pop and soul group The Pointer Sisters . The daughter of preacher Elton Pointer and Sarah Pointer sang in the local gospel choir and graduated from Oakland Technical High School in 1963. She only joined the group founded by her sisters Anita, Bonnie and June in December 1971 . Ruth is an active member of the group as a singer, which is now completed by her daughter Issa and granddaughter Sadako.

Pointer has been married twice and is the mother of five children.

Web links

Commons : Ruth Pointer  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica: The Pointer Sisters. In: Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2019, accessed on February 24, 2019 (eng).