Ruthy Gertwagen

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Ruthy Gertwagen (also Ruthi Gertwagen; * 1952 ) is an Israeli historian at the University of Haifa , who mainly deals with the history of Mediterranean seafaring, but also that of the Black Sea . She focuses on Venice , Genoa and Byzantium in the Middle Ages and early modern times. There are also questions of the ecology of this area, but also of the archeology of Palestine.

Publications (selection)

  • The Venetian Port of Candia, Crete (1299-1363): Construction and Maintenance , in: Irad Malkin, Robert L. Hohlfelder (Ed.): Mediterranean Cities. Historical Perspectives , London 1988, pp. 141-158.
  • Maritime Activity Concerning the Ports and Harbors of Cyprus from 12th to the Late 16th Centuries , in: Nicholas Coureas, Jonathan Riley-Smith (Ed.): Cyprus and The Crusades , Cyprus Research Center in Collaboration with the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Nicosia 1995, pp. 511-538.
  • Geniza Letters: Maritime Difficulties along the Alexandria-Palermo Route . in Sophia Menache (ed.): Communication in The Jewish Diaspora. The Pre-Modern World , Leiden / New York 1996, pp. 73-90.
  • L'isola di Creta e I suoi porti (dalla fine del XII secolo alla fine del XVsecolo) , in: Gherardo Ortalli (ed.): Creta e Venezia , Venice 1998, pp. 337-365.
  • (Ed.): Pirates, The Skull and Crossbones , Haifa 2002 (English and Hebrew)
  • The Venetian Colonies in the Ionian and Aegean Seas in Venetian Defense Policy in the fifteenth Century , Journal of Mediterranean Studies 12 (2002) 351-384.
  • Corfu and its port in the Venetian policy in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period (14th and 15th centuries) , in: Journal of International Maritime History 19.1 (2007) 181-210.
  • The Contribution of Venice's colonies to its naval warfare in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Fifteenth century , in: Rossella Cancilla (Ed.): Mediterraneo in Armi (secc. XV-XVIII) 4 (2007) 53-110.
  • (Ed.): When Humanities Meet Ecology. Historic changes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea marine biodiversity and ecosystems since the Roman period until nowadays. Languages, methodologies and perspectives , Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Rome 2011.
  • Fiscal and Technological Limitations on Venetian Military Engineers in the Stato da Mar in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries , in: Ruce Lenman (Ed.): Military Engineers and the Making of the Early Modern State , Dundee University Press, 2013.
  • Venice, Genoa and the fights over the Island of Tenedos (Late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries) , in: Venice and the Mediterranean , Sonderausgabe hgg. V. Ruthy Gertwagen, Jean-Claude Hocquet, in: Studi Veneziani 57 (2013) 329–381. ( )
  • Venice's Policy towards the Islands in the Ionian and Aegean Seas, 13th to 15th centuries , in: International Journal of Maritime History 26,3 (2014) 529-548.
  • with E. Jeffreys: Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean, Studies in Honor of John Pryor , Ashgate, 2012.
  • with Tonnes Nielsen-Bekker (Ed.): The Inland Seas. Towards an ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Geographica Historica), Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2016.
  • The naval power of Venice in the eastern Mediterranean in the Middle Ages, in: Michel Balard , Christian Buchet (eds.): The Sea in History, the Middle Ages , Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge 2017, pp. 170–184.

Web links


  1. Ruthy Gertwagen: (Ed.): When Humanities Meet Ecology. Historic changes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea marine biodiversity and ecosystems since the Roman period until nowadays. Languages, methodologies and perspectives , Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Rome 2011.
  2. This is how Shelley Wachsmann reviewed her: The Sea of ​​Galilee Boat: An Extraordinary 2000-Year-Old Discovery , Plenum Press, New York 1995 in the Canadian journal The Northern Mariner / Le marin du nord 16 (2006), p. 89 f., published by the Canadian Nautical Research Society / Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique.