Ryōsen-ji (Shimoda)

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The Ryōsen-ji is a small Buddhist temple of the Nichiren-shū in the city of Shimoda , Japan .

The Ryōsen-ji was founded in 1635 by a priest of Nichiren Buddhism named Nitchō (not to be confused with Nitchō , a disciple of Nichiren ), with the support of the second Shimoda-Bugyō (an official of the Tokugawa shogunate and as a Bakufu employee for the administration of the port of Shimoda) Imamura Masanaga , founded.

Two Gorintō in memory of two co-founders of the temple.

The three large stone Gorintō that are on the temple grounds (tombs of some Shimoda-Bugyō) are listed as monuments of the city of Shimoda.

The temple site was assigned as a residence to Commodore Matthew Perry in 1854. The temple did not gain historical importance until July 29, 1858, when the so-called Harris Treaty between the United States of America and Japan (Tokugawa Shogunate) was signed at this location . For this reason, the temple was declared a historical site by the Japanese government, which is why there is now a small museum on the temple grounds.

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Commons : Ryosen-ji (Shimoda)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files