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Sárgatúró (German yellow quark ) is a dessert that is prepared for Easter in Greek-Catholic regions in the eastern part of Hungary . It is mainly found in the Nyírség areas in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county and Hajdúság in Hajdú-Bihar county . The dessert is made from milk , eggs , sugar , vanilla and salt .


Sárgatúró was originally prepared exclusively for Easter by members of the Greek Catholic religion. The dessert was packed together with Easter bread , ham , sausages , salt and eggs in a basket that was covered with a cloth and brought to the church on Sunday for Easter mass. At the end of the mass the cloth was removed from the basket and the food was consecrated by the priest. In some areas, the house was then surrounded with the consecrated basket in order to prevent damage. In the meantime, Sárgatúro has also become popular with members of the Roman Catholic and Reformed Churches in Hungary.


The milk is boiled with sugar, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Then the mixed eggs are added to the milk and cooked over low heat, stirring constantly, until the consistency has become quark-like. The mass is placed in a linen cloth , which is tied together and hung up to drain. Nowadays, Sárgatúró is kept in the refrigerator afterwards. There are also variants of the recipe with raisins , cinnamon , lemon or nutmeg .


  • Sarolta Geőcze: Husvéti emlékek. In: Hazánk . Budapest, April 7, 1901.
  • A sárga túró. In: Élet es tudomány. Budapest 1990, No. 14, p. 430.
  • Vidékek és ételek. In: Kárpáti Igaz Szó. Ungvár, April 11, 2009, p. 3.

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