Sören Simonsohn

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Sören Simonsohn (* 1961 ) is a German basketball trainer , official and former player.


Simonsohn played in the basketball Bundesliga for DTV Charlottenburg and was part of the team in the 1981/82 season that completed the first Bundesliga year after promotion to the first division. Furthermore, he played during his active career in Hagen and Munich . At the age of 22 he was the youngest holder of the A-trainer license in Germany.

In 1990 he was one of the founders of the City-Basket Berlin association and took over the office of chairman. As a trainer and functionary, he relied on the promotion of young talent from the start. In 1995, his club was awarded the “ Green Ribbon for Exemplary Talent Promotion ”. He coached the women of the club, who were promoted to the women's basketball league as successors in 1996 under his leadership . Relegation took place in 1999, but Simonsohn and his team remained as a successor in the top German division. In addition to his work as a women's trainer, Simonsohn devoted himself to working with young talent at City Basket.

In 2007 Simonsohn was awarded the Berlin Citizens' Medal.


  1. https://www.sportstiming.dk/event/296/results/378082
  2. https://issuu.com/albaberlin/docs/chronik_komplett
  3. a b https://www.berlin.de/ba-charlottenburg-wilmersdorf/aktuelles/reden/artikel.199723.php
  4. https://taz.de/!1267825/
  5. https://www.morgenpost.de/bezirke/charlottenburg-wilmersdorf/article108348009/Sechs-Stolpersteine-zum-Gedenken-an-juedische-Familie-verlege.html
  6. https://www.berliner-kurier.de/584-833--wegen-wm-finale-wurde-der-aufsteiger-zur-schiessbude-der-bundesliga-17872718
  7. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/sport/aus-finanzialen-gruenden-nektiven-der-osc-den-platz-von-city-in-der-zweithoechsten-klasse-ein/92854.html
  8. https://lions-family.de/fileadmin/user_upload/LIONS-Family/abteilung/Sonstige_Dokumente/Spielplan_NDM_weiblich_u14_2019.pdf
  9. Awarding of 16 citizens' medals on District Day on October 19, 2007. March 16, 2016, accessed August 2, 2019 .