Rapid action group catering

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The quick response group catering (SEG-V or SEG-Vpf), like all quick response groups, is a group of specially trained volunteer helpers in Germany that has developed from the emergency response units . The rapid response group does not belong to either the rescue service or the disaster control, although it can be assigned to the care / catering service of the disaster control and often shares material and personnel with them. In contrast to the emergency units, the rapid deployment groups are also deployed in the event of smaller events (e.g. high-rise fire). In many places, the tasks of the quick action group for catering are taken over by a quick action group for care .


In the case of long-term missions, she provides all those involved (those affected, but primarily emergency services) with food and drinks that are prepared hot and cold. Like other rapid response groups, the rapid response group for catering usually has a very short alert time (around 20–30 minutes until the first emergency vehicle arrives at the scene). However, only drinks can be made available at short notice (30–45 minutes after the alarm). Due to the great logistical effort, catering with food is often only possible after about 1–2 hours.

Equipment and training

It has cooking appliances that are large in size according to the intended use. This usually includes a field cooker and a kitchen vehicle for preparing food in the open air. To protect against the weather, it should have a kitchen tent with a ventilation opening in the roof. Alternatively, z. B. the flap of a trailer can be used as a roof as long as there is no need to cook in the field. The equipment in the individual federal states and municipalities differs. In NRW, for example, often is the support team from the use of units involved. In addition, the SEG can have the necessary equipment to be able to build its own accommodation with camp beds in a tent in an emergency and to heat this tent and supply it with electricity.

The training initially includes a medical course with basic training for disaster control forces. In addition, you can then take part in a field cooking course and an extensive hygiene briefing . In addition, all non-specialist training courses are open to the members of the rapid response group for catering, as are the members of other SEGs. This particularly includes leadership courses.


The quick action group catering is a unit that is maintained exclusively by the aid organizations ( MHD , ASB , JUH , DRK , DLRG ). In some places fire brigades or THW also maintain catering units.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fabio Schmitz: Malteser Hilfsdienst eV Stadtgliederung Trier. Retrieved on May 2, 2018 (German).
  2. ^ A b German Red Cross eV: SEG catering - Bavarian care service. Retrieved on May 2, 2018 (German).
  3. Malteser Simmern - Rapid Response Group Catering. Retrieved May 2, 2018 .
  4. Catering squad (Log-V). Retrieved May 2, 2018 .