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SP-4 rounds before the shooting.jpg
general information
caliber 7.62 × 42 mm
Floor ⌀ 7.76-7.91 mm
Cartridge bottom ⌀ 7.62 mm
Cartridge length 42 mm
Bullet weight 9.3 g
total weight 24 g
Technical specifications
Speed ​​v 0 195-205 m / s
Bullet energy E 0 200 y
Lists on the subject

The SP-4 (decimal caliber 7.62 × 42 mm ) is a cartridge for quiet handguns specially developed for a quiet shot , which was developed in the Soviet Union and is the successor to the SP-3 and PZAM ammunition. The 9.3 g projectile is accelerated inside the case in a cylinder. When it leaves the cylinder, the sleeve is closed and no further gases can escape; this prevents a bang from expanding gases and it is no longer necessary to use a silencer .

Ammunition after firing. The seal (red) has sealed the sleeves

The ammunition was intended for the PSS pistol ( Pistolet Spezialnyj Samosarjadnyj , German: Spezial-Selbstladepistole ), which was introduced in 1983 by the Soviet secret service KGB and the special unit Speznas . It is still in use at the FSB . Except in the PSS, the SP-4 is used in the shooting combat knife NRS-2.

Of particular interest is the fact that with this ammunition it became possible to construct silenced revolvers as well. Even if you were to mount a silencer, the drum gap prevents a revolver from firing silently. But since no powder gases can escape, this is irrelevant here. One example of this is the OZ-38 developed by Igor Jakowlewitsch Stetschkin .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Бесшумный револьвер ОЦ-38. Retrieved September 20, 2015 (Russian).