SV Turbine Finkenheerd

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Finkenheerd turbine
Basic data
Surname SV Turbine Finkenheerd eV
Seat Brieskow-Finkenheerd, Brandenburg
founding October 1947
First soccer team
Venue Finkenheerd sports field
Places 1,000
league District League East Brandenburg
2015/16 1st place (district class South East Brandenburg)

The SV Turbine Finkenheerd is a German sports club from Brieskow-Finkenheerd in the Oder-Spree district . It offers football, volleyball and gymnastics for its 170 members. The home of the Brandenburgers is the 1000-seat Finkenheerd sports field .

Football section

Predecessors of today's SV Turbine Finkenheerd were SG Finkenheerd, founded in 1947, and the company sports association (BSG) Turbine Finkenheerd , which was founded on March 1, 1959. In 1949 the sports community merged with SG Lindow to form ISG Lindow-Finkenheerd. With the entry of the local lignite works as a carrier company , there were changes in ZSG Glückauf , BSG Aktivist and finally to Turbine Finkenheerd . In 1954 Lindow split off again and formed the independent BSG Traktor Groß-Lindow .

On a sporting level, Turbine Finkenheerd made it into the fourth-class Frankfurt district league for the first time in 1957 as second in the Frankfurt district division . In their first season in 1958, Finkenheerd was able to leave the favored teams of Union Fürstenwalde and Einheit Frankfurt behind and won the Frankfurt district championship. Turbine qualified for the second GDR league , but had to leave it after just one season, just behind Dynamo Frankfurt . In 1953 and 1960 the BSG activist and turbine qualified for the GDR-wide competition for the FDGB soccer cup . In 1953 Aktivist was eliminated in the first round against the district class team from Progress Cottbus , and in 1960 Turbine won the cup in the first round after a 7-0 home defeat against the second division Motor Bautzen .

In the period that followed, Turbine Finkenheerd held the Frankfurt regional league division with brief interruptions until 1977, after which the BSG sank into the insignificance of GDR football. On July 20, 1990 the BSG was converted into the registered association SV Turbine Finkenheerd . Since 2006, the club, which has always played under-class, has been commuting between the district class and the district league in the East Brandenburg football district. In 2016, they were promoted to the 10th class Ostbrandenburg district league.



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