Sabine Schicketanz

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Sabine Schicketanz (* 1977 in Berlin ) is a German journalist and editor-in-chief of Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten .


Schicketanz grew up in Berlin. She spent her eleventh grade in the USA as a scholarship holder. After graduating from high school in 1996, Schicketanz worked as a freelance journalist from February 1997 for, among others, the Potsdamer Latest News (PNN), the Tagesspiegel , the Lausitzer Rundschau , the Bild-Zeitung and a sports photo agency. In 1998/1999 she attended the German School of Journalism in Munich , but returned to Potsdam early. From March 1999 to March 2001 Schicketanz completed a traineeship at the PNN . From April 2001 she wrote as an editor for the local department of the PNN , the management of her was in 2005 departments transferred. In July 2014, Schicketanz was appointed editor-in-chief of PNN . Schicketanz acts as an adviser to the M100 Sanssouci Colloquium .

Schicketanz is the mother of two daughters and lives in Potsdam.

Individual evidence