Sadiq al-Ahmar

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Sheikh Sadiq al-Ahmar

Sadiq al-Ahmar ( Arabic صادق الأحمر, DMG Ṣādiq al-Aḥmar ; Born October 6, 1956 ) is a Yemeni politician and militia leader. He has been the leader of the Hashid tribal confederation since the death of his father, the then founder and leader Abdallah ibn Husain al-Ahmar , in December 2007 . He is currently (June 2011) also chairman of the Islamist party al-Islah (Yemeni Assembly for Reform) .


In the course of the 2011 protests in Yemen , Sadiq al-Ahmar called on Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Salih (who is also a member of the Hashid), in his function as tribal leader, to resign on March 21, 2011. On May 23, fierce fighting broke out between members of the Hashid and the security forces near the house of Sadiq al-Ahmar in al-Hasba , a district of Sanaa . On May 27, both parties agreed a ceasefire that would come into force on May 29, but which was broken in the following days. The following skirmishes over the residence of al-Ahmar, the Ministry of the Interior, the headquarters of the military police, the building of the Saba news agency and along a main street in Sanaa resulted in several deaths.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Rainer Hermann: Again violent battles in Yemen. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . May 31, 2011, accessed June 1, 2011 .
  2. Laurent Bonnefoy and Marine Poirier: Yemenite Troubles. In: Le Monde diplomatique . June 10, 2011, accessed June 10, 2011 .
  3. Difficult situation for the USA. In: ORF . March 21, 2011, accessed March 21, 2011 .
  4. Saleh plays with diplomacy. In: the daily newspaper . May 23, 2011, accessed May 24, 2011 .