Saha equation

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The Saha equation (also Saha ionization equation or Eggert-Saha equation ) describes the dependence of the degree of ionization of a gas on the temperature in thermodynamic equilibrium ; If the degree of ionization reaches a significant level, one no longer speaks of a gas, but of a plasma .

The equation was derived in 1920 by the then 27-year-old Indian astrophysicist Meghnad Saha from the Boltzmann statistics and is important for the physics of stars. John Eggert provided preliminary work in 1919 through a publication in the Physikalische Zeitschrift. Saha read this paper in India and was able to improve it significantly.

The Saha equation can be read in such a way that precisely those atoms are ionized for which the thermal energy of the electrons is higher than the ionization energy according to the Boltzmann distribution .


For pure gases the Saha equation is


  • the particle density of the ionized gas (where i is the number of missing electrons = ionization level)
  • the electron density
  • the partition function of the atom / ion of the i- th level
  • the ionization energy required to remove another electron from an ion (from i to i +1).
  • the thermal wavelength (of an electron) with
    • the Planck constant
    • the mass of an electron (constant)
    • of thermal energy
  • Alternatively, as the partition function of the free electron are interpreted (the factor 2 represents then the spin - degeneracy of the electron)
  • the Boltzmann constant
  • the absolute temperature of the gas.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ionization in the solar chromosphere. Philosophical Magazine Series 6, 40 (1920), No. 238, pp. 472-488