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Saisara ( Greek  Σαισάρα ), daughter of Keleos , is a figure in Greek mythology .

In the tradition of the Skambonids - a people in western Attica - she was the wife of the ruler Krokon and, as his father's sister, also Krokon's aunt.

Their name is related to the old name for Eleusis , Saisaria (Σαισαρία). Since sairein (σαίρειν) can mean both “turn” and “grin”, the views of scholars differ as to which part of the cult activities the naming refers to.


Individual evidence

  1. Karl Scherling : Krokon 3. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume XI, 2, Stuttgart 1922, Sp. 1971.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Gemoll : Greek-German school and hand dictionary . G. Freytag / Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Munich / Vienna 1965, p. 668.