Salomon Herzfeld

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Salomon Herzfeld (also: Ernst Herzfeld ) (born February 14, 1875 in Graetz , Posen Province , † 1948 in Buenos Aires ) was a German-Jewish lawyer and functionary.


Herzfeld attended the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Posen until 1894 and studied law and economics at the universities of Freiburg im Breisgau , Munich , Berlin and Breslau . In the spring of 1897 he passed the trainee exam. He received his doctorate in law and was a trainee lawyer in Lobsens, Schneidemühl, Bromberg and Posen. In January 1902 he became a court assessor. In 1903 he settled in Essen as a lawyer specializing in commercial and corporate law . In 1920 he also became a notary. Herzfeld gained importance primarily as a member of the main board of the Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (1924–1938, Chairman 1936–1938) and as a co-founder and member of the advisory board of the Reich Representation of German Jews (1933–1938). In 1939 he emigrated to Palestine .

He was married to Klara Frankenstein and had four children.


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