Salvatore Lanzetti

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Salvatore Lanzetti (* around 1710 in Naples , † around 1780 in Turin ) was an Italian cellist and composer of the late baroque and pre-classical periods.


Salvatore Lanzetti was a student at the “Conservatorio Santa Maria di Loreto” in Naples. His first job was in Lucca , where he worked with Francesco Maria Veracini and then from 1727 to 1728 at the court of Turin , where he worked again from 1760 until his death. From 1739 to 1754 Lanzetti worked in London. He gave concerts in Sicily, Paris ( Concert spirituel May 1736) and in Germany. He belonged to the first generation of the great cello virtuosos of his time. The level of difficulty of his works in the middle of the 18th century, with multiple fingering, large pitch range, complicated bow guides, thumb grips, large jumps and other techniques, allow this conclusion.


  • 12 Sonata a Violoncello solo e Basso continuo Op. 1 (1750, Paris)
  • 6 Solos for two violoncellos or a German Flute and a Bass Op. 2 (1754, London)
  • 6 Sonata a Violoncello e Basso Op. 5 (not dated, Paris)
  • Method "Principes de l'application du Violoncelle par tous les Tons" (1779, Amsterdam)
  • another sonata in the manuscript

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