Samarendra Nath Roy

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Samarendra Nath Roy (born December 11, 1906 in Calcutta , † July 23, 1964 in Jasper (Alberta) ) was an Indian statistician .


His father was the editor of The Tribune magazine in Lahore . Roy studied at the University of Calcutta and the Presidency College in Calcutta with a bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1928 and a master's degree in 1931. At that time he dealt with cosmology under NR Sen. When he was a calculator for the numerical solution of a partial differential equation in the framework searching for his research, he only found it at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) of PC Mahalanobis . This sparked his interest in statistics and he joined the institute in 1934 and did research on multivariate statistics. In 1938 he became a lecturer in the applied mathematics department of the University of Calcutta. From 1946 to 1949 he was Assistant Director at ISI and in 1947/48 headed the Statistics Department at the University of Calcutta, which had been founded a few years earlier. In 1949 he was visiting professor at Columbia University , returned shortly to Calcutta and then took a professorship in statistics at the University of North Carolina in 1950 .

He was a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the International Statistical Institute.


  • Aspects of Multivariate Analysis, Wiley 1957

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