Collection sheet for federal and state legislation

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Collection sheet for federal and state legislation

description German legal journal
First edition 1950
Frequency of publication weekly
Web link
ISSN (print)

The collective sheet for federal and state legislation (SaBl.) Is a weekly legal journal . The SaBl. provides a timely overview of the in Parts I and II of the Federal Law Gazette , the Federal Gazette and in the law and regulation leaves the federal states issued laws and regulations .

A selection of laws and ordinances compiled at the discretion of the editors will be entered as full text in the SaBl. recorded. The legal provisions that are not printed as full text are all listed in a weekly overview at the end of each issue of the SaBl. with details of the respective source. When recording as full text, it is important to the editors not to place restrictions on certain subject areas. In addition, there is no comment . Only the page numbering differs from that in the original publications due to layout reasons .

The SaBl appeared for the first time. on January 4, 1950 under the title Collective Sheet for Laws, Ordinances and Announcements of the Federation, the Länder and the Occupying Powers . It received its current title during the 6th year (No. 18 of May 5, 1955). Laws and ordinances of the new federal states have been incorporated since the 41st year (1990). In 2011 the SaBl. in the 62nd year and is published by Iatros Verlag & Services GmbH in Potsdam .

Web links

Collection sheet for federal and state legislation . In: Beck Verlag .