Samson Cerfberr de Medelsheim

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Samson Cerfberr de Medelsheim or Ibrahim-Manzour-Effendi (* 1778 in Strasbourg , † December 8, 1826 in Paris ) was a French adventurer and writer. His book, published in 1826, initially contains his own biography and then in the main part describes Albania , Serbia and Greece under the notorious Ali Pasha . After the book became a financial failure, he burned himself and became famous for it.


Samson, from a Jewish family in Strasbourg, was the eldest son of Marx Cerfberrs de Medelsheim and grandson of the famous Cerfberr de Medelsheim . According to his own account, he served in the French army in Paris in the winter of 1798/1799, joined the Turkish army after the Peace of Amiens in 1802, converted to Islam and served there from 1803 to 1809, from 1811 to 1813 in the Kingdom of Westphalia , and in 1813 in Bosnia , where he again converted to Islam and took the name Ibrahim-Manzour-Effendi. In the years 1816 to 1819 he came into closer contact with Ali Pascha. Most recently he lived in Paris until his suicide .


  • Mémoires sur la Grèce et l'Albanie pendant le gouvernement d'Ali-Pacha , Paris 1826, 2nd edition, Paris 1827, online at Google books , 2nd edition, Paris 1828. Online at Google books
    • German: Ali Pascha, tyrant of Albania. Memories of his government . Edited by E. Schulz, Stuttgart, Robert Lutz, undated [1914].


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