Samuel Brody

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Samuel Brody (* 1890 in Lithuania , † August 6, 1956 in Columbia (Missouri) ) was an American nutritionist .


Brody followed his brother in 1906 and emigrated to Canada . After he kept himself afloat with work as a machinist, miner, fisherman with doorstep selling, he moved to New Hampshire , where another older brother of his lived. Here he first worked as a machinist. But he was interested in living things and after a few months he was able to get a place at the national agricultural school in Pennsylvania . There he heard from T. Brailsford Robertson , who taught at the University of California, Berkeley , and made the decision to study with this. He taught himself to read and write in English to pass the written entrance exam at the University of California.

From 1916 he studied in Berkeley and his interest was particularly nutrition. In 1917 he obtained his bachelor's degree and in 1919 his master's degree in biochemistry . After a brief stint with the US Air Force , he moved to the University of California Medical School and became a professor in the Department of Dairy Husbandry at the University of Missouri in 1920 .

In 1920 he married Sophie Edith Dubosky, and the marriage had two sons.

In 1928 he studied on a sabbatical at the University of Chicago to qualify for a Ph.D. to meet. Between 1930 and 1931 he was on a Guggenheim grant at five European universities.

Brody died of a heart attack alone in his work room in 1956 .


Already in Berkeley, Brody dealt with growth and energy balance in animals. He studied growth and its effects in domestic animals, and published the results of his research in 66 Bulletins of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station . He was also the author of 92 articles in scientific journals on growth, growth functions , milk production , energy metabolism , thyroid function , thermoregulation and aging. His main work is Bio-Energetics and Growth , published in 1945 .


  • Agnes Fay Morgan: SAMUEL BRODY - A Biographical Sketch . In: J. Nutr. 70: (1960), pp. 1-9.