Samuil Iossifowitsch Aljoschin

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Samuil Iosifovich Alyoshin ( Russian Самуил Иосифович Алёшин , actually Samuil Iosifovich Kotlyar ; born July 8 . Jul / 21st July  1913 greg. In Zambrów , † 27 February 2008 in Moscow ) was a Russian playwright who in Germany especially with its Acting The Sick Room and The Diplomat became famous.

Alyoshin was the son of a doctor and a teacher. He attended the Military Academy for Motorization and Mechanization until 1935 and then worked as an engineer in an automobile factory. In 1941, he began writing humorous stories for the magazines Krokodil and Ogonyok ..

Aljoschin's preferred type of acting - like a chamber play, largely without external plot elements and with a reduced circle of acting persons - met the representational possibilities of the radio play, which, in addition to the success of his plays in the theater, led to successful radio adaptations by the radio of the GDR , among others with Klaus Piontek The diplomat was later approved as a teaching material by the Ministry for National Education of the GDR as a model case of a successful radio processing of a drama.

Even that time in Seville is one of the more popular pieces of liked to of historical events-use Aljoschins, the dramatic by his ideas and Parabelhaftigkeit his pieces but often the grotesque was close to.

Works (selection)

  • 1942: Мефистофель
  • 1947: Back then in Seville (Тогда в Севилье)
  • 1950: The director (Директор)
  • 1952: Gogol (Гоголь)
  • 1953: The strict girl (Строгая девушка)
  • 1954: The man from Stratford (Шекспир / Человек из Стратфорда)
  • 1956: Alone (Одна)
  • 1958: Everything stays with the people (Всё остаётся людям) - filmed in 1963
  • 1959: The Point of View (Точка опоры)
  • 1962: The Sick Room (Палата) - filmed in 1965
  • 1964: The main role (Главная роль)
  • 1965: To each his own (Каждому свое)
  • 1967: The Diplomat (Дипломат)
  • 1968: Другая
  • 1979: Theme with variations ( Тема с вариациями )

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