San Rafael tunnel

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The San Rafael Tunnel ( Túnel San Rafael ) is a road tunnel in the La Paz department in the South American Andean state of Bolivia.

The tunnel is on the Ruta 3 trunk road , which leads from La Paz over the La Cumbre Pass into the Bolivian Yungas , via Coroico and San Ignacio de Moxos to Trinidad , the capital of the Beni department . The tunnel has a length of 1,374 meters and lies at a height of 2845  m to 2942  m . It was built between 2001 and 2004 as part of the re-routing of Ruta 3, which, as the Yungas Strait, was long considered one of the most dangerous high-altitude roads in the world. Between Cotapata and Coroico, the construction of the San Rafael tunnel made it possible for Ruta 3 to have a completely new route in this section between 2001 and 2006 and for the first eighty kilometers to Coroico to be completely asphalted.

See also

List of road tunnels in South America

Individual evidence

  1. The world's highest road tunnels ( English )

Web links

16 ° 15 ′ 53 ″  S , 67 ° 50 ′ 0 ″  W Coordinates: 16 ° 15 ′ 53 ″  S , 67 ° 50 ′ 0 ″  W