Sandra Florean

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Sandra Florean (* 1974 in Kiel ) is a German writer , editor and editor.

life and work

Sandra Florean graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in 1992 with a focus on accounting and organization and then trained as a shipping clerk . Since then she has been working as a secretary in the administration.

For ten years she also ran a costume tailoring shop for historical and fantastic garments. It was not until the Nachtahn series, which was published by Bookshouse Verlag, that they returned to the written word. Since 2011 she has published regularly for various publishers and is also active as a lecturer and editor. She mainly writes in the fields of fantasy, romantic fantasy, and mystery.

Florean is a member of the Phantastik Authors Network PAN and the Phantastik working group of the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . She lives with her family in Schwentinental .

Awards and nominations

  • 2014: Best German-language debut at the Lovelybooks Readers Award
  • 2018: Deutscher Phantastik Preis for the best anthology as editor of The U-Files. The unicorn files.
  • 2019: Midlist nomination for the Skoutz Award for the novel Moonchild. Cradle of darkness.
  • Honorary member of the AKF Fantasy Working Group at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel


Novels and short stories

The Nachtahn series

The soul jumper

Individual novels


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jutta Ehmsen: Vampire author loves the Middle Ages. In: Ultimo-Kiel. Retrieved February 18, 2020 .
  2. ^ Profile of Sandra Florean. Lovelybooks, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  3. ^ Profile of Sandra Florean. Fantastic authors network, accessed on February 18, 2020 .
  4. Nadine Schättler: Sandra Florean wins Fantastic Prize. In: Kiel News. October 11, 2018, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  5. Michael Barth: Skoutz Award: The Midlist Horror 2019. In: Skoutz. March 30, 2019, accessed on February 18, 2020 (German).
  6. German Fantastic Prize 2019. In: Literature Prize Winner . Retrieved February 18, 2020 .
  7. Fantasy working group. In: Christian Albrechts University. Retrieved February 18, 2020 .