Sant Martí de Capsec

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The Romanesque church of Sant Martí de Capsec

Sant Martí de Capsec is a modified Romanesque church from the 12th century near the small hamlet Capsec, which belongs to the municipality of La Vall de Bianya near the city of Olot ( Catalonia ). The previous building was first mentioned in 1017.

The church is remote in the Sierra de Malforat in the middle of meadows and streams. It is first mentioned in 1017, although the exact year the church was built cannot be determined. The building was originally erected as a single-nave church with a covering barrel vault . The church was originally closed off by a semicircular apse with a central window . Behind the apse there is a laurel tree symbolizing the victory of Christ. In addition, the church is provided with a bell tower with openings on all four sides.

The original building has been renovated, reworked, and remodeled many times over the centuries. The earthquakes in the Garrotxa in the 15th century had caused considerable damage to buildings. However, the church building was restored. The side chapels with side apses were added later. The original ceiling vault is due to "false", i.e. H. subsequently applied vault ribs changed. These simulate a cross vault in each of the three arch sections.

Inside there is a large Romanesque baptismal font from the 12th century (decorated with two crosses, two hands and a twisted rope) and a small holy water font from the 13th century.

The church was under the control of the monks of Camprodon and later of the priory of Sant Joan les Fonts .


  • Josep Murlà i Giralt; Nicolau Gironès i Casanovas: Guia del romanic de La Garrotxa . Alzamora, Olot 1983, OCLC 434851504 , Sant Martí de Capsec, p. 100 .
  • Information board about the church in Catalan, English and French on the building
  • Miquel Borell i Sabater, Rosa Guardiola i Llobet: Ermites encisadores, amb cotxe fins a la porta. (= Guies gironines. 2). 2006, ISBN 84-935203-5-7 , p. 72: "Vall de Bianya - Sant Martí de Capsec i Sant Martí de Solamal"
  • Gran Geografia Comarcal de Catalunya. Volume 3: El Gironès, la Selva, la Garrotxa. 1st edition. Enciclopèdia Catalana publishing house, Barcelona 1981, ISBN 84-85194-17-9 , p. 367: “La Vall de Bianya”, there a short review of “Capsec” and the church “Sant Martí de Capsec”

Web links

Commons : Sant Martí de Capsec  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the information board in front of the church

Coordinates: 42 ° 13 '58.9 "  N , 2 ° 28' 19.1"  E