Sarangarh (State)

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91 AD – 1948
Flag of Sarangarh
flag coat of arms
Capital Sarangarh
Form of government Princely State
surface 1399 km²
population 80,000 (1901)
founding 91 AD
resolution January 1, 1948
State religion: Hinduism
Dynasty: Raj Gond
Sarangarh in The Imperial Gazetteer
Sarangarh in The Imperial Gazetteer

Sarangarh was a princely state of British India in what is now the Indian state of Chhattisgarh . Its capital was the place Sarangarh .

Sarangarh was originally part of the kingdom of Ratanpur , then of Sambalpur . From 1818 to 1947 it was a British protectorate . Sarangarh 1901 had an area of ​​1399 km² and 80,000 inhabitants.

The Raja joined the Eastern States Union in August 1947 . On January 1, 1948, this union was dissolved and Sarangarh was incorporated into Madhya Pradesh and India . On November 1, 1956, all princely states were dissolved. The last Raja, Naresh Chandra Singh (1946–56), went into politics and was a minister of several Madhya Pradesh governments; he retired from his career after serving as chief minister for thirteen days in 1969 . Since November 1, 2000, the area has belonged to the newly formed state of Chhattisgarh.


  • Imperial Gazetteer of India, 2nd A., 26 vol., Oxford 1908–1931
  • Malleson, GB: An historical sketch of the native states of India , London 1875, Reprint Delhi 1984
  • Schwartzberg, Joseph E., Ed .: A historical atlas of South Asia , 2nd A., New York / Oxford 1992, ISBN 0-19-506869-6

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