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Satibarzanes ( Greek : Σατιβαρζανης) († 330 BC ) was under the Persian great king Darius III. Satrap of the province of Aria in the west of today's Afghanistan .

When Alexander the Great in 330 BC BC by. Hyrcania was advancing coming, Alexander showed Satibarzanes, prompting him to manage the satrapy of Aria decided to leave. However, as security, Alexander left a troop of 40 Macedonian horsemen under the command of Anaxippos in the country. After Alexander had moved eastwards, Satibarzanes had the Macedonian horsemen put down and called on the inhabitants of Arias to revolt against Alexander. Satibarzanes holed up with his troops in the city of Artakoana , but Alexander managed to take the city, whose inhabitants he sold into slavery. In their place he had a Hellenistic settlement called Alexandria built, today's Herat . Meanwhile, Satibarzanes had managed to escape to Alexander's adversary Bessos ; he gathered a troop of 2,000 horsemen and invaded Aria again. Alexander sent an army to meet him under the leadership of the generals Artabazos , Erigyios and Karanos . In the battle against these Satibarzanes fell.


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