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Erigyios ( Greek  Ἐρίγυιος ; † 328 BC ), son of Larichus and brother of Laomedon , was a general of Alexander the Great .

Erigyios was a native Greek from Mytilene , but, like his brother in Amphipolis, was granted Macedonian citizenship by King Philip II . The brothers apparently belonged to an older generation than Alexander, since Erigyios by Curtius Rufus for the year 330 BC. Was called "white-haired". In connection with the " Pixodaros Affair " in 336 BC He accompanied Alexander into exile with his brother, Nearchus , Ptolemaios and Harpalus and only returned to the court in the same year after the murder of Philip II and Alexander's rise to power.

During the Asian campaign, Erigyios led the cavalry of the Greek federal troops in the battle of Issus (333 BC) and was responsible for securing the province of Koilesyria (332/1 BC). In the battle of Gaugamela (331 BC) he again led the Greek cavalry. In the following year he accompanied Alexander from Ekbatana in the pursuit of Darius III. and traveled with him through the media and Parthia . He took part in the subjugation of the province of Hyrcania , whose satrap Satibarzanes surrendered immediately and was therefore left in his office. However, when the army had moved further east, Satibarzanes revolted and occupied the province of Areia . Erigyios was sent to Areia with Artabazos and Karanos to bring this province back under control. In a duel he killed Satibarzanes with his own hands by throwing his spear into his neck. He then beheaded him to use his head as a trophy.

On the Jaxartes , Erigyios, Hephaistion and Krateros tried in vain to dissuade Alexander from crossing the river for a subsequent fight against the Scythians . In the winter of 328 BC Erigyios died in Sogdia after an illness and was buried in a solemn act.


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Individual evidence

  1. Curtius Rufus 7,4,34.
  2. Arrian , Anabasis 3,6,5 f.
  3. Arrian, Anabasis 2,8,9; 2.13.7; Curtius Rufus 3,9,8.
  4. Arrian, Anabasis 3, 11, 10; Diodorus 17,57,3.
  5. Arrian, Anabasis 3.28.3; Curtius Rufus 7.4.33-7.4.40.
  6. Curtius Rufus 8,2,40.