Schönbuch-Gymnasium Holzgerlingen

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Schönbuch-Gymnasium Holzgerlingen
Schönbuch-Gymnasium Holzgerlingen Logo.jpg
type of school high school
founding 1980

Weihdorferstrasse 3

place Holzgerlingen
country Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany
Coordinates 48 ° 38 '44 "  N , 9 ° 0' 56"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 38 '44 "  N , 9 ° 0' 56"  E
student 963 (as of 09/2017)
Teachers 92 (as of 09/2017)
management Sebastian Schimmer

The Schönbuch-Gymnasium Holzgerlingen (SGH for short) is a general high school . It is located on Weihdorfer Straße in Holzgerlingen in the Boeblingen district .


The main building, built in 1980, consists of a skeleton structure, which means that the building and the levels are only supported by supports. So only thin partitions were put in to divide the building into different rooms.

An extension has existed since 2000, in which the administration, some classrooms, multimedia rooms, a lounge for the students, lockers and the youth culture center s'red are housed.

At the end of the 2004/2005 school year, a third independent building with a canteen was built, which is required due to the new school times (see: Abitur after twelve years ). In addition to a canteen, a new auditorium with a stage and technical equipment, various computer rooms and several classrooms were built. The inauguration of this new school building took place on September 23, 2005.

In 2009 the school building was expanded again. Another extension with student lounges, an upper-level cafe, a teachers' library and workstations with a computer connection for students was built and inaugurated on February 5, 2011 at the school festival for the 30th anniversary of the school.

School newspapers

There is currently a school newspaper at Schönbuch-Gymnasium .

The Moose

The ELCH is the current school newspaper at the SGH, it has been in existence since September 2018. The editorial team consists of students in grades 5–10, its first issue appeared in July 2019, the second in July 2020. In the future, Der ELCH will continue to be published once a year appear as a print version and regularly online. In addition to a series that reports on alumni at the SGH, there are also many articles about events in the school and the surrounding area, as well as reports on everyday school life, which should be made equally interesting for young and old if possible.

Bright spot

The bright spot was a school newspaper that had existed since the SGH was founded, founded by Mr. Schlueter and later continued by Mr. Korschefsky. 92 issues had appeared by mid-2005, so Lichtblick is usually published four times per school year. An online edition was also planned. The content of the Lichtblick was largely composed of articles by other authors. In addition to the articles, the newspaper offered students the opportunity to send in funny sentences and sayings that a teacher makes during the school year.


DEFRIT is an international school newspaper ( D eutsch, E spañol, Fr ançais, It aliano), the first edition of which appeared in 1991 . The project founded by Dominique Fröhlich was intended to bring the partner schools closer together by writing a school newspaper together. The author writes each article in his native language and summarizes it briefly in English.

Projects and excursions

Projects take place regularly at the Schönbuch-Gymnasium. One of the largest projects is School as a State , which took place in 2002, 2008, 2014 and 2018 and was almost exclusively organized by upper school students.

Excursions and exchanges are also organized regularly. The ninth grades usually take part in an exchange to France, to Oloron-Sainte-Marie and Saint-Nazaire , or go on a one-week excursion to southern England. In the tenth grade, there are exchanges to Italy for all Italian classes. Towards the end of grade 1, every student has the opportunity to take part in one of the study trips offered.

Web links