Morello cherries

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Morello cherries
Blossom of a morello tree

The morello cherries ( Prunus cerasus subsp. Acida ), also known as the Great Long Lot Cherry or Northern Cherry , is a type of sour cherry . It belongs to the family of the rose family (Rosaceae) and is the most widely planted sour cherry variety. It is a late-ripening variety and has high yields. The tree is quite undemanding, grows well in the shade and bears a lot of fruit.


The morello cherries is a well-known sour cherry that was mentioned before 1650 and described before 1800; it comes from France and is called Griotte du Nord or Chatel Morel there.

Variety characteristics


The tree is slow to medium-strong, thin shoots and shrub-like .


The fruit stalk is medium-long with a length of about 40 mm and usually has one or more green leaves. The stone fruit is large to very large, round to slightly oval , depending on the hanging . The color of the firm, dull, shiny skin is initially red and becomes darker to blackish red when it is fully ripe. The flesh is soft and very juicy with a dark red color. Despite the high sugar content, it has a distinctly sour taste at a pH value of 3.4, which is intensified by cooking. At around 12.5 mm, the stone is relatively large, long-oval, detaches itself very easily from the pulp and usually sticks to the stem. The fruit ripens in the 6th - 7th cherry week .

Other characteristics

The Schattenmorelle is self-fertile and therefore does not even pollinators , but can other late-blooming cherry varieties such as ' Schneiders late cartilage cherry ' fertilize.

Site conditions

It is undemanding and also suitable for cool and cold locations, but is sensitive to heat and drought. It is prone to the Monilinia peak drought . Contrary to what the name suggests, the morello cherries loves a partially shaded location.


The fruit is often processed into jams and preserves . It is the most popular type of cherry for all kinds of baked goods, for example for the world-famous Black Forest cake .

Origin of name

There are four hypotheses for the derivation of the name Morello cherries, each assuming a sound shift:

  1. from Château de Moreilles: It is said that this type of sour cherry was grown in the garden of this castle as early as 1598. There is no known Château de Moreilles in France. Today there is the Château de L'Abbaye in Moreilles (part of the former Beata Maria de Moroliis abbey, rebuilt in the 17th century, which was almost completely destroyed in the 100 Years War (1453) and completely destroyed in the Wars of Religion (1580));
  2. from Latin amarus, engl. morello, Italian amarello ("bitter"): The morello is not bitter, but sour;
  3. Late Latin maurella, diminutive of maurus (" Mohr "), which refers to the dark color of the fruit: Morello cherries are light red to red when ripe, only when they are fully ripe they turn dark red;
  4. by Chatel Morel (synonymous with Griotte du Nord ): The French name of morello cherries.

Of these hypotheses , the last is considered the most likely.

Individual evidence

  1. Le Château de l'Abbaye, Moreilles
  2. La commune de Moreilles (French WP)
  3. Duden online
  4. ^ Pollinisation croisée des cerisiers. Retrieved December 2, 2012 (French).
  5. International Association for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Geneva, Sour Cherry, p. 28 (PDF; 360 kB)

Web links

Wiktionary: Morello cherries  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations