Schneider's late cartilage cherry

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The cherry variety Schneider's late cartilage cherry or black cartilage cherry , ziraat or tailor's cherry is a sweet cherry belonging to the cartilage cherries .

Nordwunder , Zeppelin and Rekord are readings from Schneider's late cartilage. From Turkey, the variety is marketed under the false name Napoleon in Germany, which is, however, a synonym for the Great Princess variety .


The variety 'Schneiders late cartilage cherry' was in 1850 in Guben as a chance seedling discovered and named after the owner of the land on which it was found. It is one of the most popular cherry varieties and is very common in commercial cultivation, but also in orchards.


The reddened fruit stalk is about 40 to 45 millimeters long and strong. The stone fruit is broadly heart-shaped with a diameter of up to about 30 mm, the belly seam is clearly visible and the weight is up to about 13 grams. The tough and dull-gloss skin typical of cartilage cherries is red-brown to black-brown with speckles. The pulp is medium firm, crisp and juicy, sweet, sour, spicy, mild, harmonious and relatively light red in color. The stone is egg-shaped with a size of about 12 millimeters × 10 millimeters. It matures in the 6-7. Cherry week strongly inferring.


The tree is very vigorous with a high pyramidal crown .


The flowering time is late. The variety 'Schneider's late cartilage cherry' needs a fertilization partner. Suitable other late flowering cherry species such as the ' Hedelfinger giant cherry ', ' Büttners Red cartilage Cherry ', ' Regina ', ' morello '.


Individual evidence

  1. Entry at gräbhöölze