Borowo Treasure

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The Borowo Treasure ( Bulgarian Боровско съкровище ) is a Thracian silver treasure that was found near the northern Bulgarian Borowo . The treasure is now kept in the Historical Museum in Ruse .

The Borovo treasure was accidentally found in 1974 in a Thracian hill necropolis . It consists of five vessels made of silver, parts of which are gold-plated , which form a luxurious drinking set. Three of them are drinking horns ( rhyta ), which end in the protomes of the horse, bull and sphinx . The fourth vessel is a large two-handled bowl with a central medallion depicting a deer attacked by a griffin . On the fifth vessel, a jug, the mysteries of Dionysus are depicted in relief. Thematically the whole set is held together by the ivy tendril decorations on two of the vessels and by the individual scenes that are related to one another.

The Greek inscription ΚΟΤΥΟΣ ΕΤ ΒΕΟΥ is on three of the vessels . This is either read as the name of a goldsmith Etbeos, who made these pieces for Kotys and whose name is documented on two other phials from Thrace, or as Kotys from (the city) of Beos . Kotys is the odrysischen King Kotys I. identified. Since it was found in the Geten region , it is believed that it was a gift from Kotys to a Geten ruler.


  • The treasure trove from Borovo village, Ruse district. In: Gold of the Thracians. Archaeological treasures from Bulgaria. Zabern, Mainz, 1979, ISBN 3-8053-0435-8 , pp. 144-146.
  • Ivan Wenedikov : Thrace. In: Gold of the Thracians. Archaeological treasures from Bulgaria. Zabern, Mainz, 1979, ISBN 3-8053-0435-8 , pp. 6-20.
  • Dimităr Ivanov: The Borovo Silver Treasure. In: Das Altertum 26 (1980) pp. 5–12.
  • Ivan Wenedikov: Медното гумно на прабългарите. "Наука и изкуство", Sofia, 1983.
  • Ив. Маразов: Митология на траките. ИК Сектор, Sofia, 1994.
  • Zlatoživka Zdravkova, Dimităr Ivanov: Trakijskoto srebărno săkrovište ot Borovo. Izdat. "Abagar", Veliko Tarnovo 2002, ISBN 954-427-490-1 .
  • Ив. Маразов: Художествени модели на древността. Монографии МИФ 2. Департамент "История на културата", НБУ, Sofia 2003.
  • Gavrail Lazov: The Treasure of Borovo. In: The ancient civilizations of Bulgaria. The gold of the Thracians. Antikenmuseum, Basel 2007. ISBN 978-3-905057-23-2 , pp. 195–199.
  • Ив. Маразов: Боговете на Самотраки. изд. Стандарт, Sofia, 2010.

Individual evidence

  1. The treasure trove from Borovo village, Ruse district. In: Gold of the Thracians. Archaeological treasures from Bulgaria , Zabern, Mainz, 1979, p. 144; Dimităr Ivanov: The Borovo Silver Treasure. In: Das Altertum 26 (1980) pp. 6-7.
  2. Gavrail Lazov: The Treasure of Borovo. In: The ancient civilizations of Bulgaria. The gold of the Thracians. Antikenmuseum, Basel, 2007, pp. 195–196.

Web links

Commons : Treasure of Borowo  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files