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Schemai in hieroglyphics
N37 U1 A4 i



Shemai was an ancient Egyptian vizier in the 8th Dynasty under King Neferkauhor Chuiuihapi (around 2200 BC). He is known from various monuments that prove that he was an influential person who resided in Koptos . He was married to Nebet, a daughter of a king and therefore associated with the royal family.

Schemai appears in the Coptic decrees . He is mentioned in an inscription in the Wadi Hammamat . There is also a statue of him, and he is known both from his grave near Koptos and a Granitnaos . Schemai is mainly known from various decrees from Koptos. The oldest of these is the Decree Koptos H, addressed directly to Shemai, and which deals with the sacrifices to be made. The decree probably dated under Neferkaure . The fourth year of the ruler's reign is called. Schemai is already the "chief of Upper Egypt ", but not yet a vizier. Copto's Decree I may date from the beginning of the reign of King Neferkauhor and confirms Schemai in his offices. The decree Koptos L, which is addressed to various officials, deals with the distribution of land. Schemai here bears the title of vizier. Decree Koptos M confirms the appointment of Idi , Shemai's son, as "chief of Upper Egypt" and is addressed directly to Shemai. Copto's decree J concerns Shemai's wife, Nebet, who is appointed to something, but the text is not well preserved.

Schemai's tomb was found near Koptus. It was once decorated with reliefs, but it is poorly preserved. There were various biographical inscriptions in the grave. One of them, which has been particularly badly damaged, tells of the life of Idi. Another reports from Schemai. It is not well preserved either, but it seems to indicate that the Schemai was wronged. One wall depicts the bringing of a stone for the king's sarcophagus from Wadi Hammamat. The inscription on the scene dates to the first year of King Neferkauhor.

Individual evidence

  1. Maha Farid Mostafa: The Mastaba of SmAj at Naga 'Kom el-Koffar, Qift. Volume I: Autobiographies and related scenes and texts. Ministry of Antiquities and Heritage, Cairo 2014, ISBN 978-977-6420-04-5 , p. 88; Brooklyn Museum, inventory number: 16.580.98
  2. Hans Goedicke : Royal Document from the Old Kingdom (= Ägyptologische Abhandlungen. Vol. 14). Wiesbaden 1967, pp. 163-164
  3. Goedicke: Royal Document from the Old Kingdom. Wiesbaden 1967, pp. 172-177.
  4. Goedicke: Royal Document from the Old Kingdom. Wiesbaden 1967, pp. 165-171.
  5. Goedicke: Royal Document from the Old Kingdom. Wiesbaden 1967, pp. 184-189.
  6. Goedicke: Royal Document from the Old Kingdom. Wiesbaden 1967, pp. 197-203.
  7. Maha Farid Mostafa: The Mastaba of SmAj at Naga 'Kom el-Koffar, Qift. Volume I, Cairo 2014, p. 88.