Reed beetle

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Reed beetle
Donacia semicuprea - reed beetle (8073720177) .jpg

Reed beetle ( Donacia semicuprea )

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)
Subfamily : Reed beetle (Donaciinae)
Genre : Cane beetle ( Donacia )
Type : Reed beetle
Scientific name
Donacia semicuprea
Tank , 1796

The reed beetle ( Donacia semicuprea ) is a beetle from the leaf beetle family .


The reed beetle is about 1 cm long. You can recognize it by the shiny metallic wing covers. The metal shimmer varies between bluish, greenish and copper-colored.


This species can be found on the banks of lakes, ponds, ponds, oxbow lakes and meadow ditches all over Europe . They can often be seen on reed stalks, especially in summer.


After mating in the bank vegetation, the females lay the eggs in jelly just above or below the water level . The larvae have two different appendages on their abdomen that they use to pierce aerated tissues of plants in order to supply themselves with oxygen. Pupation takes place in air-filled cocoons below the surface of the water. The finished beetles hatch in autumn, but stay in the cocoons until spring.


The adult beetles, like the larvae, are vegetarians. They feed on the soft stem sections and leaves of the bank and water plants . The larvae, on the other hand, suckle on plants underwater.


Web links

Commons : Donacia semicuprea  - album with pictures, videos and audio files