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Schipp was a measure of measure and was used for grain , salt and coal .

It is often used in literature as the Norwegian measure, whereby the Scandinavian measure would be more appropriate due to the former political conditions. Schipp corresponded to the bushel and was also known as the eighth.

The dimensional chain from the barrel , the tonde, downwards was:

  • 1 tonde = 8 Schipp = 32 quarters = 64 eighths = 144 Potter = 7007.4 Parisian cubic inches = 139 liters
  • 1 pot = 0.9653 liters
  • 1 ship = 874 Parisian cubic inches (grain and salt measure)

Hard coal and Spanish salt were weighed differently to the ton of Norwegian salt of 10 bushels / Schipp = 173 liters as follows:

  • 1 ton = 8 Schipp = 176 pots = 8571 Parisian cubic inches = 170 liters

In Denmark the measure belonged to the idealized area measure . The dimensional chain was here

  • 1 Tönde = 8 Schipp = 32 Fjerdingkar = 96 Albus

The ton or 8 Schipp of so-called hard grain ( rye or barley ) as a yield determined the floor area, depending on the soil quality. The amount of hard grain was the yardstick for calculating the tax on land, forest and mills . The measure was introduced in 1690.

Area measure

The Schipp was also a measure of area in Schleswig .

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Elert Kruse : General and especially Hamburg Contorist, who knows the currencies, coins, weights, measures, types of exchange and customs of the most distinguished cities and countries in and outside of Europe…. Publishing house of the author's heirs, Hamburg 1808, p. 303.
  2. Gustav Wagner, Friedrich Anton Strackerjan: Compendium of the coin, measure, weight and exchange rate relationships of all states and trading cities on earth. Teubner Publishing House, Leipzig 1855, p. 93.
  3. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 351.
  4. Georg Thomas Flügel: Course slip continued as a manual for coin, measure, weight and Customs. Editor: LF Huber. Verlag der Jägerschen Buch-, Papier- und Landkartenhandlung, Frankfurt am Main 1859, pp. 97, 208.
  5. ^ Association of practical merchants: The latest illustrated trade and goods lexicon or encyclopedia of the entire trade sciences for merchants and manufacturers. Volume 2, Verlag Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1857, p. 317.
  6. ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios…. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 451.
  7. ^ Johann Huebner, Friedrich August Rüder: Newspaper and Conversations Lexicon. A hand-held patriotic dictionary. Volume 4, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig 1828, p. 108.