Loop (topology)

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A free loop in the plane.
A loop on the torus with a base point .

In topology , a branch of mathematics, closed curves are also known as loops .

Free loops and loops

A free loop in a topological space is a continuous mapping from the unit interval to , where applies . This means that the start point is the same as the end point. A free loop can also serve as continuous mapping of the unit circle to be seen because as the ratio of can be seen under the identification of 0 at 1.

In space when a base point is set, then is called the loop is a continuous mapping of the unit interval on , where the following applies . This means that the start point and end point are the same as the fixed base point. A loop can also be considered continuous mapping of the unit circle to be seen, with a fixed base point selected by the fixed selected base point is imaged.

Homotopy classes

Two free loops are called (free) homotopic if there is a homotopy between the two images .

Two loops are called homotopic if there is a free homotopy that additionally fulfills the condition for all . The sets of the homotopy classes of loops form the important concept of the fundamental group .

The set of all loops in a topological space is called loop space and denoted by. The set of free loops is called the free loop space.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Cigler , Hans-Christian Reichel : Topology. A basic lecture , Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim (1978), ISBN 3-411-00121-6 , section 7.1: Paths and homotopy of paths