Varaždin Castle

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Varaždin Castle
Varaždin Castle (interior view)

The Varaždin Castle is located in the northwest of Croatia , near the center of Varazdin .

It was first mentioned in 1181 under the name Garestin in a document from the Hungarian-Croatian King Béla III. mentioned.

The castle was originally built as a lowland fortress at the crossroads of old traffic routes.

Varaždin was one of the main defense fortresses against the advancing Ottomans within the historical military border in the 16th century . During this time, the castle was expanded into a modern fortress with a surrounding moat, earth walls and bastions.

In later years the castle was rebuilt several times. The owners were among others the Counts of Cilli , the Vitovec family , Ivaniš Korvin and the Ungnads . At the end of the 16th century, the castle came into the possession of the Erdődy family and remained so until 1925. In that year, the castle and the surrounding building complex were expropriated by the town of Varaždin .

Since then, the city museum has been housed there.

See also

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Coordinates: 46 ° 18 ′ 36.4 ″  N , 16 ° 20 ′ 1.8 ″  E