Shmuel Katz

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Shmuel "Muki" Katz ( Hebrew שמואל "מוקי" כץ; * December 9, 1914 in Johannesburg , South Africa ; † May 9, 2008 in Tel Aviv ) was an Israeli politician, writer, historian and journalist.

In 1930 Katz joined the Betar . After studying at the Witwatersrand University , he immigrated to Palestine in 1936 and soon after his arrival became a member of the Irgun Tzwai Le'umi . In 1939 he was sent to London by Zeev Jabotinsky , where he gave lectures on Palestine and founded the revisionist magazine The Jewish Standard and was its editor during the war years. In 1946 he returned to Palestine and in 1948 co-organized the Altalena voyage . From February 14, 1949 to August 20, 1951 he was a member of the Cherut in the first Knesset . He wrote a biography of Jabotinsky.


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