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White-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura)

White-tailed ptarmigan ( Lagopus leucura )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Chicken birds (Galliformes)
Family : Pheasants (Phasianidae)
Subfamily : Grouse (Tetraoninae)
Genre : Ptarmigan
Scientific name
Brisson , 1760
Eggs ptarmigan ( Lagopus muta )
Egg of a ptarmigan

The ptarmigan ( Lagopus ) are a species of bird from the family of pheasant-like (Phasianidae) used to order the chicken birds heard (Galliformes). Today, as a rule, three species are included in the genus, which are represented in a circumpolar manner. The Scottish willow grouse, which occurs only in the British Isles, is no longer considered a separate species, but a subspecies of the willow grouse. Ptarmigan are one of the most widely represented genera within the subfamily of grouse (Tetraoninae). The most common are the willow grouse and the ptarmigan , which are found in both North America and Eurasia. The white-tailed ptarmigan , on the other hand, only occurs in Alaska, British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains.

All three types are built relatively clumsily. The tail is short, the sexual dimorphism is only very slight. The smallest species is the white-tailed ptarmigan, which can reach a height of 31 to 34 centimeters. Males of this species weigh an average of 1,300 grams while females have an average weight of 840 grams.


Three species are included in the genus.

supporting documents


Single receipts

  1. Madge et al., P. 361
  2. Madge et al., P. 363
  3. Madge et al., P. 367

Web links

Commons : Ptarmigan ( Lagopus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files