Recife School

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The Escola do Recife ("School of Recife"), also called Geração de 1871 , was a Brazilian current / movement influenced by positivism , naturalism and evolutionism . It was created around 1870 in the law faculty of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco ; their "leading mind" was the lawyer Tobias Barreto . The civil law representative of the school was Clóvis Beviláqua .

The Escola do Recife "exerted a decisive influence on Sylvio Romero and his interest in the new methods and theoretical thought patterns of the" new European science "."

Other important "followers" of the movement were Artur Orlando , Capistrano de Abreu , Graça Aranha , Izidoro Martins Júnior , Faelante da Câmara , Urbano Santos da Costa Araújo , Abelardo Lobo , Vitoriano Palhares , José Higino Duarte Pereira , Araripe Júnior , Gumercindo Bessa and João Carneiro de Sousa Bandeira .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Sérgio Costa: From the North Atlantic to the "Black Atlantic": Postcolonial Configurations and Paradoxes of Transnational Politics . transcript Verlag , 2007, ISBN 3-89942-702-5 , p. 199-200 .
  2. Jan Peter Schmidt: Civil Law Codification in Brazil: Structural Issues and Regulatory Problems in a Historical-Comparative Perspective . Mohr Siebeck Verlag , 2009, ISBN 3-16-150126-8 , Bevilaqua and the School of Recife, p. 44-46 .