Tail-spot Moenkhausia

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Tail-spot Moenkhausia
Moenkhausia cf dichroura.jpg

Tail spot Moenkhausia ( Moenkhausia dichroura )

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : True tetras (Characidae)
Genre : Moenkhausia
Type : Tail-spot Moenkhausia
Scientific name
Moenkhausia dichroura
( Kner , 1858)

The tail spot Moenkhausia ( Moenkhausia dichroura ) belongs to the family of the true tetras (Characidae) and is widespread in tropical South America. Its distribution area extends from Guiana and the Orinoco over the Amazon basin to the river basin of the Río Paraguay and to Paranaguá .


The tail spot Moenkhausia has an elongated, laterally strongly flattened body and becomes ten centimeters long. Females are more compact, males slimmer, their swim bladders are more pointed. The tail spot Moenkhausia is of a silvery basic color, the back is olive green, the belly white. A broad, silvery longitudinal stripe extends from the rear edge of the gill cover to the base of the caudal fin. The tail has a two-tone pattern, which the species epithet refers to ( size : “di” = two, “chroma” = color + “oura” = tail). The middle caudal fin rays are blackish, the ends of the caudal fin lobes deep black with white tips. Females are generally more powerfully built, while males are slimmer.


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Commons : Moenkhausia dichroura  - collection of images, videos and audio files