Schwartz crowd

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In elections, the Schwartz set is the union of all minimal undominated sets . A minimal undominated set is a non-empty set S of applicants for which the following applies:

  1. Each contestant within set S is pairwise unbeaten by each contestant outside S (i.e., an undominated set).
  2. No non-empty proper subset of S satisfies the first property (i.e. minimally).

A Schwartz set offers an opportunity for an optimal election result. Electoral procedures in which one candidate from the Schwartz crowd always wins, meet the Schwartz criterion . The crowd is named after the political scientist Thomas Schwartz.


  • the Schwartz crowd is never empty - there is always a minimal undominated crowd
  • two different minimal undominated sets are disjoint .
  • if there is a Condorcet winner , he is the only member of the Schwartz crowd. If the Schwartz crowd includes only one applicant, there will be at least one weak Condorcet winner.
  • if a minimum undominated number contains only one applicant, he is a poor Condorcet winner. If a minimal undominated number contains several applicants, they are all in a beatpath cycle with one another, a top cycle .
  • two candidates from different minimal undominated sets do not beat each other (tie).

Compare with the Smith crowd

The Schwartz set is always a subset of the Smith set. The Smith set is only greater if an applicant in the Schwartz set comes off in a pairwise comparison with an applicant outside the Schwartz set. An example:

  • 3 voters prefer applicants A over B over C.
  • 1 voter prefers applicant B over C over A.
  • 1 voter prefers applicant C over A over B.
  • 1 voter prefers applicant C over B over A.

A beats B, B beats C and A is a draw with C in a pairwise comparison. A is therefore the only member of the Schwartz set, while all applicants are members of the Smith set.


The Schwartz set can be calculated using Floyd and Warshall's algorithm of complexity , or a version of Kosaraju's algorithm of the same complexity.

Schwartz criterion

A voting mode fulfills the Schwartz criterion, provided that it always selects an element from the respective Schwartz set. This is the case, for example, with the Schulze method .


  • Benjamin Ward: Majority Rule and Allocation . In: Journal of Conflict Resolution . 5, No. 4, 1961, pp. 379-389. doi : 10.1177 / 002200276100500405 . In an analysis of serial decision-making based on majority rule, the Smith Theorem and Schwartz describe it, but apparently fail to recognize that the Schwartz set can have multiple components.
  • Thomas Schwartz: On the Possibility of Rational Policy Evaluation . In: Theory and Decision . 1, 1970, pp. 89-106. doi : 10.1007 / BF00132454 . Introduces the concept of Schwartz-Set at the end of the paper as a possible alternative to maxiaturization, in the presence of cyclical settings as a standard rational choice.
  • Thomas Schwartz: Rationality and the Myth of the Maximum . In: Noûs, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Ed.): Noûs . 6, No. 2, 1972, pp. 97-117. JSTOR 2216143 . doi : 10.2307 / 2216143 . Gives an axiomatic characterization and justification of the Schwartz set as a possible standard for optimal, rational collective choice.
  • Deb, Rajat: On Schwart's Rule . In: Journal of Economic Theory . 16, 1977, pp. 103-110. doi : 10.1016 / 0022-0531 (77) 90125-9 . Proves that Schwartz-Set the set of undominated elements is the transitive conclusion of the pairwise favoritism relationship.
  • Thomas Schwartz: The Logic of Collective Choice . Columbia University Press, New York 1986, ISBN 0-231-05896-9 . Explains the Smith-Set (named GETCHA) and Schwartz-Set (named GOCHA) as standards for optimal, rational collective choice.

See also


  1. SSD and CSSD Condorcet