Black day

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Black day literally denotes an unlucky day, usually in the sense of a chain of negative events.

The origin of the expression can be traced back to the Latin dies ater ( dies : day, ater : black / dull). In the Imperium Romanum , when the army suffered severe defeats - for example in the battles of Cannae or Allia - the term "dies ater" was used. On days after such defeats, official business was generally suspended. Culturally, black in the western world stands, among other things, for grief, for evil or for a threat.

An example of a black day with an accumulation of negative events can be October 27, 1962, the climax of the Cuban Missile Crisis , which went down in history as " Black Saturday ". On that day, a U-2 was shot down over Cuba, a nuclear weapons test was carried out in the USA and a Soviet nuclear -armed submarine was shot at by US naval units. On this Saturday the world was so close to a nuclear war as never before and never after.

September 16, 1992, when the pound crisis escalated in Great Britain , is also known as Black Wednesday .

Other well-known black days include:

In South Korea , the 14. April the Black Day and complements the Western Valentine's Day (14 February), and the Japanese White Day (March 14). Those who missed out on these days will eat Jajangmyeon as a consolation on Black Day .