Black sheep

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A brown sheep in the herd
A white sheep with its black lamb

The proverbial expression black sheep denotes a group member who stands out from the other members of a social group in a way that is viewed negatively by others.


The phrase goes back to the values ​​of sheep breeding , according to which the wool of white sheep is to be regarded as more valuable because it is easier to dye. The wool of a single black sheep, on the other hand, lowered the wool quality of the entire herd, which is why such animals were sorted out when possible during breeding. For these reasons, black sheep, which are also particularly noticeable in the herd of white sheep, are said to be very unpopular with shepherds whose farm is oriented towards wool production and generally do not have a long life expectancy. They are quickly singled out and slaughtered (compare also the biblical description in 1 Mos 30,32  EU ). However, this stereotype does not always coincide with actual practice.

Function of the outsider

To put it more precisely, a “black sheep” is an outsider who attracts attention through characteristics or behavior that do not correspond to the ideas or rules that are valid and recognized in the group. This otherness is assessed by the other group members as unpleasant or as “ disgraceful ”. In doing so, the person who is different is habitually blamed not only for his own behavior, but also for grievances in the group in general.

In the group dynamic , the “black sheep” fulfills an important function as a scapegoat in the role of the outsider . The group strengthens internal cohesion at the expense of the outsider ( mobbing ). Uncomfortable scary group issues are kept away from the group by projecting and personifying them onto the outsider . The outsider is therefore a bearer of important and valuable energy and - properly integrated - can make a significant contribution to the positive development of the group and its work.

As a devaluation

Black sheep of the family

In a figurative sense, family members are referred to as the "black sheep of the family" who have gotten off the beaten track or who do not meet the expectations placed on them, for example if someone in a family with an academic tradition is a craftsman or artist or takes up a social profession, or if someone wants to study in a family with a working-class tradition.

Black sheep in an industry

“Black sheep in an industry” is the name given to providers or companies in business who behave dishonestly towards customers or competitors, allow abuses or fail to comply with binding rules and regulations of their profession or economic sector , deceive or harm consumers or other customers. In doing so, they may discredit their entire industry .


People or groups designated as “black sheep” are often published on a black list and thus socially stigmatized . Black lists are questionable under criminal law.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Shepherds in the Lüneburg Heath like to bring some black sheep with them in their herd, because the herd is then no longer so easily unsettled by wild boars. Wild boars go to the pastures at night to look for food in the ground, but are basically not interested in the sheep and do not pose a threat. In herds without black sheep, panic can occur because the wild boars trigger a flight reflex . However, if the white sheep are used to the regular presence of black conspecifics, who look similar to wild boars in their eyes, they tend to remain calm when wild boars appear. (Source: NDR documentation Schäfern in der Heide from April 27, 2005)
  2. Lutz Röhrich : Lexicon of the proverbial sayings . 2nd edition Herder, Freiburg / B. 2004, ISBN 3-451-05400-0 .
  3. Klaus Antons: Practice of group dynamics . 8th edition. Hogrefe Verlag, Göttingen 2000, ISBN 3-80171370-9 .

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