Gay presentation

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Schwulenreferat is a collective term for institutions within many student bodies at universities that deal with the interests of homosexual and / or bisexual students. The interests of female students are partly represented by their own lesbian presentations , but often integrated in the form of a lesbian and gay presentation.

The legal status of the gay sections varies from state to state or from university to university, as does the financial resources. The first gay department in the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1981 at the Free University of Berlin , and thus gave the impetus for many previously non-official or semi-official gay groups to organize themselves or to put their work on a legal basis. In the meantime, almost every major university or technical college in Germany has a gay department.

Different structures of the presentations

Due to the locally specific university structures, there are different organizational structures. This results in various options for setting goals within a presentation.

tasks and goals

Political work

The spectrum of the political work of the gay lectures is broad and can include, for example, demonstrations and rallies, but also discussion evenings and lectures. The fundamental aim of the political work is the emancipation of homosexual people and the education about homosexual lifestyles and realities in order to reduce prejudices and reservations about homosexuals in our society.


The gay lectures offer various events such as first semester evenings, lectures, film evenings, discussions, readings, semester closing events, external events, CSD, excursions and sporting events. With the events, the gay lectures want to offer a "protected space" for gays, in which everyone can freely live out their sexuality and develop their personal gay identity.

Depending on the event, the focus of the work can be on a political or social level. Almost every gay report in Germany, however, pursues social and political goals at the same time.


Many gay lectures offer advice on coming out , HIV / AIDS and discrimination at the university.

Status as a unit

In the meantime the trend towards different forms of gender-related presentations has developed. There are both gay and lesbian presentations, but also mixed forms in which transgender and bisexual groups are also grouped together. To underline their independence, some use the name autonomous unit .

Bundeshochschulschwulenreferatetreffen (BHSRT)

The BHSRT is a conference of gay and lesbian university groups, presentations, working groups and the like. the Federal Republic of Germany. It sees itself as a nationwide information and discussion forum for gay and lesbian issues with a focus on university policy. The meeting also serves to network and coordinate joint activities.


The first meeting took place in autumn 1982 in what is now the Waldschlösschen Academy . In 2007 the gay lectures celebrate the meeting of the gay lectures that has been taking place in the Waldschlösschen Academy for 25 years.

Scientific training

The scientific advanced training of the participants usually takes place in the form of lectures and subsequent discourses with the speakers. Examples are the lectures "Queer Studies" and "The Third Gender". Event participants who work on relevant topics at their university also contribute with lectures and workshops such as "Homosexuality in Islamic Cultures". Through the exchange of experiences and contacts with speakers, the exchange of information on current research in the field of queer studies and gender, the academic work of the university groups is also promoted at the universities.

Federal Conference

The federal conference of gay and lesbian university groups takes place once every semester (usually in November and May) in Göttingen at the Waldschlösschen Academy.

The meeting lasts from Thursday to Sunday every time. The aim here is that the presentations from the various cities and federal states have the opportunity to network with one another, to exchange experience and, if necessary, to make joint decisions as an independent body.

Federal coordinator

As a member of the federal conference, the federal coordinator represents the decisions taken within the framework of the federal conference. As an external contact, he organizes press work and is available to answer questions about current conference topics.


  1. Lesbian and gay lecture at the University of Cologne . Lesbian & gay lecture at the University of Cologne. Retrieved September 8, 2016.

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