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Screwdriver ( English screwdriver ) is a cocktail , which due to its volume Longdrinks belongs. It consists only of orange juice and vodka , roughly in a ratio of 2: 1 to 3: 1, which are mixed together in a long drink or highball glass on a few ice cubes . Today the drink is known primarily in the Anglo-Saxon region as the screwdriver . Otherwise it is often just called Vodka Orange or Vodka-O .


The forerunner is the Orange Blossom , a simple mixed drink made from gin and orange juice that was popular in the United States during the years of alcohol prohibition (1920–1933). At that time, so-called bathtub gin was often only available with the simplest means , the bad taste of which was tried to be masked with juices and other ingredients. Orange juice was often bottled in cans in those days, and a screwdriver could serve as a simple can opener.

The name “screwdriver” is often associated with American oil workers who are said to have stirred their drink with a screwdriver.

In the 1940s, John B. Heublein, President of the liquor manufacturer GF Heublein Brothers Inc. , used the cocktail to establish vodka as a mixed spirit in the United States. At the end of the 1930s, Heublein acquired the Smirnoff vodka brand . Drinks like the Moscow Mule or the Screwdriver helped to increase sales. In 1967, vodka sales exceeded gin for the first time.


The International Bartenders Association (IBA) lists the screwdriver in its recipe list as an “all day cocktail” under the heading “The Unforgettables”. 5  cl vodka and 10 cl orange juice are carefully mixed together in a highball glass filled with ice and the drink is then decorated with an orange slice. In technical terms, the drink is therefore "built in the glass", that is, not prepared in a cocktail shaker or mixing glass . Occasionally a splash of lemon juice is added or the drink is lengthened with a little soda water .


The simple basic recipe is supplemented with additional ingredients in numerous variants. Are popular liqueurs : So a Screwdriver with a dash of Galliano for Harvey Wallbanger .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Andrew F. Smith: The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink. Oxford University Press, USA, 2007, ISBN 978-0-195-30796-2 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  2. a b Screwdriver. In: Retrieved January 4, 2019 .