Secondo Püschel

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Secondo Püschel (born July 10, 1931 in Zurich ; † April 12, 1997 there ) was a Swiss painter. He lived and worked in the Südstrasse artists' colony in Zurich until his death. His father, a sculptor, had him registered as the second born in the name of SECONDO (Primo and Terza were the other siblings).


From 1948 to 1951 Püschel studied at the Zurich School of Applied Arts in the applied painting class under Otto Morach . Long, multiple study visits to Italy, southern France and Paris soon followed . In 1957 he visited Lofoten (Norway). In 1978 and 1979 he spent a long time in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and the Sahara. Further extensive study trips took him to Brittany, Spain, Belgium, Amsterdam, Denmark, New York, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Greece.

From the early years of his youth he had a keen interest in astronomy , which was also expressed more and more clearly in his works. Since 1967 he had had his own telescope, which he had made himself.

Artistic activity

Püschel's work consists mainly of painting in oil and acrylic, but also includes drawing, lithography, etching, woodcut and gouache. First representational, later abstract-expressive works. From the 1960s onwards, observing space with his telescope in the garden of his studio was characteristic of Püschel's work. The experience of this limitlessness was formative for his work. The development of one's own style can be observed around 1956: the tangible takes a back seat and coordinated, bright colors break up and unfold - “ informally ” - with free lines. Püschel's imagination is ignited more and more often by astronomical processes, the language of color becomes decisive.

Publicly owned works

City and Canton of Zurich, ETH Zurich graphic collection, Zurich and Winterthur hospitals. Woodcuts in the Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco. 1974 Murals at the Riesbach Daughter School and Free Gymnasium Zurich (destroyed by vandals in the 1990s).


Scholarships from the Zurich School of Applied Arts, from the Canton of Zurich and twice from the City of Zurich. In 1991 he received the art prize of the municipality of Zollikon (Zurich) as merit for his “constant and consistent work” .


From 1951 numerous solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad. He was regularly represented in the exhibition Zurich artists in the Helmhaus. 1966 solo exhibition in the Städtische Kunstkammer zum Strauhof in Zurich, 1976 in the Kunsthalle im Waaghaus Winterthur and 1982 in the Kunsthaus Glarus. From 1977 he exhibited regularly in the Galerie Trittligasse, Zurich. Further solo exhibitions took place in 1996, 1999, 2009 (with Ursula Baur): Paulus Academy, Zurich. 2001/2006: artefiz-Kunsthalle Zurich. 2005: Halterhaus in Fehraltorf / Zurich.


  • Secondo Püschel 1931-1997 for his 75th birthday. Text: Helen Eichenberger. Zurich, Secondo Püschel Foundation, 2006.
  • TV report «Painter in the Moon. Secondo Püschel ». In: Schweiz aktuell, 1996. Editor: Roman Klingler. Swiss television DRS, 1996.
  • Exhibition of the GSMBA Zurich. Bregenz, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn + Taxis, 1989. Foreword: Elisabeth Lubicz-Steinbrüchel. GSMBA Zurich, 1989.
  • Collection catalog, Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau. Volume 2, Works of the 20th Century. Text: Paul-André Jaccard, Heiny Widmer, Beat Wismer. From Cuno Amiet to today. Baden: Lars Müller, 1983 (Swiss Institute for Art Research, catalogs of Swiss museums and collections 5/2)
  • Secondo Püschel or the cosmic aspect of painting. Zurich, Städtische Kunstkammer zum Strauhof, 1974. Text: Willy Rotzler. Zurich, 1974.
  • Secondo Püschel. Glarus, Bohemia Gallery. Text: Richard Häsli. Glarus, 1960.
  • Biographical lexicon of Swiss art. Ed .: Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zurich and Lausanne; Head: Karl Jost. 2 vols. Zurich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1998.
  • SIKART online information system. Art in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, director: Karl Jost.
  • Artist directory in Switzerland. Including the Principality of Liechtenstein. Répertoire des artistes suisses, la Principauté du Liechtenstein incluse. Dizionario degli artisti svizzeri, incluso il Principato di Liechtenstein. 1980-1990. Ed .: Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zurich and Lausanne; Head: Karl Jost. Frauenfeld: Huber, 1991.
  • Lexicon of contemporary Swiss artists. Dictionnaire des artistes suisses contemporains. Catalogo degli artisti svizzeri contemporanei. Edited by the Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zurich; Head: Hans-Jörg Heusser. Frauenfeld: Huber, 1981.
  • Artist Lexicon of Switzerland. XX. Century. Ed .: Association for the publication of the Swiss artist lexicon; Editor: Hans Christoph von Tavel. Frauenfeld: Huber, 1958–1967, 2 vols. Unchanged reprint 1983.