Sailing lizards

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Sailing lizards
Ambon sailing lizard (H. amboinensis)

Ambon sailing lizard ( H. amboinensis )

Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Toxicofera
without rank: Iguana (Iguania)
Family : Agamas (Agamidae)
Subfamily : Hydrosaurinae
Genre : Sailing lizards
Scientific name of the  subfamily
Kaup , 1828
Scientific name of the  genus
Kaup, 1828

Sailing lizards ( Hydrosaurus ) are a genus of very large lizards from Southeast Asia that belong to the agam family . They get their name from a large skin sail supported by vertebral processes, which extends over the tail of the males and is only vaguely present in the females.


Each of the three species occurs on one Pacific island group. The Philippine sailing lizard in the Philippines , the Moluccan sailing lizard on the Moluccas and the Ambon sailing lizard on Ambon , Buru and Ceram .


Web links

Commons : Sailing lizards  - Collection of images, videos and audio files