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Epibreanch in hieroglyphics
Hiero Ca1.svg
ra s Htp
t p
Hiero Ca2.svg
anx n
(Se hetep ib Re anch)
Sḥtp jb Rˁ ˁnh
( King ) Se-hetep-ib-Re may live
Priestly title
wr sxm U25 m pr

Largest of the leaders of the craftsmen in the duplex

Sehetepibreanch was an ancient Egyptian "high priest of the god Ptah " known from a number of objects. His father was a certain Montuhotep, his mother's name was probably Chety. He probably lived in the 12th dynasty .

On a sacrificial plaque in Berlin he bears the titles " Member of the elite , foremost in action" and " Sem priest " . The assignment of the tablet to his person is not entirely certain, as there is a second high priest of Ptah with the name Sehetepibreanch-nedjem and the name ending on the sacrificial tablet is badly preserved. His official title on the Berlin sacrificial plaque reads “Greatest of the craftsmen in the two houses” . He appears on a stele from Saqqara that names his father and his wife - probably the mother of Sehetepibreanchs. There is another sacrificial tablet and the base of a statue in the Brooklyn Museum . Its exact date within the 12th dynasty is uncertain.


  • Egyptian inscriptions from the royal museums in Berlin, first volume , Leipzig 1913, p. 208
  • Thomas Garnet Henry James : Corpus of Hieroglyphic Inscriptions in The Brooklyn Museum. I. From Dynasty I to the End of Dynasty XVIII. NY Brooklyn Museum 1974, pp. 39, 40, plate. XXXIV [90, 91]
  • Henry George Fischer : Egyptian Studies I: Varia , New York 1976, p. 60