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Be in hieroglyphics
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Ta-Shasu Seir / Seir
T3-Š3sw Sˁr / Sˁrr
Seir, land of the Shasu

Seir from Hebrew שֵׂעִ֑יר, reproduced more precisely with the spelling Seïr in some more modern Bible translations , denotes a mountain range in southern Palestine . One first in the Temple of Soleb under Amenhotep III. attested list of places dating from around 1380 BC The name "Schasu-Land Seir" is related to other place names of the Edomite mountainous region.

The biblical tradition

According to the Old Testament, the Seir was the place of residence of the Hurrians , later that of the descendants of Esau . Seir is also the name of a Horite in the Bible (Genesis 36, 20 + 21; 1. Chronicles 1, 38) and the name of a mountain on the northern border of Judas Jos 15.10  EU, presumably the ridge with the place Saris ( New Hebrew Shoresh ), about 4 km west-southwest of Kirjat-Jearim .


  • Fritz Rienecker (ed.): Lexicon for the Bible. 3rd special edition, 20th total edition. Brockhaus, Wuppertal 1992, ISBN 3-417-24585-0 .
  • Great concordance with the Elberfeld Bible. Word and number concordance. Revised version. Brockhaus, Wuppertal u. a. 1993, ISBN 3-417-25802-2 .
  • Erich Zenger : Introduction to the Old Testament (= Kohlhammer Study Books Theology. Vol. 1, 1). 7th, through and exp. Edition Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-17-020695-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rainer Hannig , p. 1181.
  2. Soleb List (No. 92) .