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Emperor Seiwa.jpg

Seiwa ( Japanese 清和 天皇 , Seiwa-tennō ; * May 10, 850 , † January 7, 881 ) was the 56th Tennō of Japan .

The Emperor Seiwa was the son of Emperor Montoku and ruled from 858 to 876. Seiwa was only 8 years old when he took office. His grandfather Fujiwara no Yoshifusa († 872 ) therefore officiated as regent ( Sesshō ) and thus de facto as ruler of Japan.

The Minamoto clan was descended from Seiwa: Minamoto no Yoritomo , Ashikaga Takauji and Takeda Shingen descended from this line. Even Tokugawa Ieyasu claimed his house came from a line of Emperor Seiwa, Klan from Nitta from, but this is doubtful.

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predecessor Office successor
Montoku Emperor of Japan