Semana Santa in Liria

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The celebrations of Semana Santa in Liria are a well-known custom of the Catholic Church in the Valencian Community . The Semana Santa is characterized by processions in the holy week off.


The Brotherhood of the Most Holy Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ ( Spanish: Cofradía or Hermandad de la Santísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo ), the oldest, the still existing such brotherhood, was founded in the 14th century. The brotherhoods of that time consisted as a rule of members of a certain social or professional class or an ethnic group.

In the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the shape of the Semana Santa celebrations developed in its current form. It was at this time that the dogma of the Immaculate Conception was proclaimed in 1854 . In addition, various communities discovered the tourist attraction of the traditional processions and subsidized the Hermandades in order to preserve this tradition. In recent years, various brotherhoods have also allowed women to take part in the processions. Traditionally, women could be members of a cofradía , but not go with the procession as a Nazareno .

The processions

The start and end of each procession is the neighborhood in which the brotherhood is based. Most brotherhoods have their own chapel or are linked to a parish at whose church the procession begins. Depending on the distance from your home district, this route can take up to four hours. The exodus ( salida ) is observed by the relatives and friends of the penitents and is one of the most moving moments of a Semana Santa procession. The entrada , i.e. the entry of the brotherhood into their chapel after the end of the procession, is another emotional and very worth seeing moment, especially since it usually takes place at night, so that the candle-lit pasos appear particularly magnificent.

Time schedule

The following are the cofradías who celebrate their procession on each day of Semana Santa .

Miércoles Santo (Holy Week Wednesday)

  • Cofradía de la Oración de Jesús en el Huerto y el Santo Cáliz

Jueves Santo ( Maundy Thursday )

  • Cofradía de la Santísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo

Viernes Santo ( Good Friday )

  • Via Crucis interparroquial
  • Cofradía de la Virgen de los Dolores
  • Santo Entierro (The Holy Burial)

Web links

  • La Sang Brotherhood website , accessed January 12, 2017 (Spanish)
  • Historia , Junta de Hermandades de Semana Santa de la Diócesis de Valencia, accessed January 12, 2017 (Spanish)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Semana Santa en Llíria , website of the Brotherhood La Sang , accessed on January 12, 2017 (Spanish)