Semyon Michailowitsch Nakhimson

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Semyon Mikhailovich Nakhimson, 1918

Semyon Mikhailovich Nachimson ( Russian Семён Михайлович Нахимсон ; born November 13 . Jul / 25. November  1885 greg. In Liepaja ; † 6. July 1918 in Yaroslavl ) was a Russian revolutionary.


Nachimson was one of the leaders of the General Jewish Workers' Union during the 1905 Russian Revolution . He was subsequently sentenced to death and emigrated.

By 1912 at the latest he was a member of the Bolsheviks . From 1915 he was in the army. After the February Revolution of 1917 he became a member of the all-Russian Central Executive Committee of the party. In July he was sent to Riga, where he wrote for the newspaper Okopnaya Pravda and was commissioner of the Latvian Riflemen .

After the October Revolution of 1917, Nachimson was Chairman of the Executive Committee of Soldiers' Deputies and Commissioner of the Twelfth Army. In 1918 he organized the departments of the Red Army as War Commissioner of the Yaroslavl Military District. From July 2, 1918, he was chairman of the Executive Committee of the Yaroslavl Governorate. During the mutiny there, he was shot by White Guards .

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Commons : Semyon Nakhimson  - collection of images, videos and audio files